It has been a while....that's for sure.
But that doesn't mean that I've been sitting still. Au contraire...
Since the last post Winged brush picked up the pace. We received a good amount of request and some of these became orders. The original idea for this commision painting initiative was to paint single models to a very high standard. That way we were going to push our own skills and provide our services. However, we've been mostly painting armies.....But that pushes our skills in an other direction. I can say for sure that once in painting mode(and especially batch paintingmode) I'm painting way quicker and way more efficient than say 3 months ago.
However, on other fields: work, refurbishment of the house and planning of a wedding I've also been craking on. Funny how time flies when you're busy. And sometimes moments like these, sitting down and thinking about what's happend during all these months is quite amazing: " Did I do all of that in such a short span of time".
But hell, no only talking and whinning on this blog:
Here are some pictures of 600Pts of iron warriors that I painted in about 2weeks. The basing has been done by the owner, the pictures too:
Both razorbacks are almost finished as we speak.
Further I've almost completed the "evil" fleet of dreadfleet and I started again on my Dark Eldar...So keep an eye open for upcoming updates :-D
donderdag 10 november 2011
woensdag 14 september 2011
It sure has been a while but you'll understand why in a minute.
Since last post I've been painting a lot( GD UK, Iron warrior army for a friend, first Commision for Winged brush co) and a lot has happened. I turned 30, I proposed to my girlfriend, I've started to refurbish the last bedroom in my house.
Ok I know lame excuses :-D But most of all I'm done with posting shitty pictures of beautiful paint job.
Very modest I know ;-) But the fact of the matter is that no paintjob was flattered by my photographic skills/efforts, be it demon quality or just above tabletop.
So I hope to kick off this new "era"(melodramatic me is grinning his *ss off)
A possible future collaboration with a friend who also is a photograph( and some nice pictures thanks to Pascal
enjoy, comment and good riddance!
Old attempt at a golden demon( and second model in my tru-scale loyalist-turning traiter mid-heresy project)
Old attempt at golden demon(earned me a finalist pin in 2008 UK)
First commision job for a webstore
Important final words: All your Commision questions:
It sure has been a while but you'll understand why in a minute.
Since last post I've been painting a lot( GD UK, Iron warrior army for a friend, first Commision for Winged brush co) and a lot has happened. I turned 30, I proposed to my girlfriend, I've started to refurbish the last bedroom in my house.
Ok I know lame excuses :-D But most of all I'm done with posting shitty pictures of beautiful paint job.
Very modest I know ;-) But the fact of the matter is that no paintjob was flattered by my photographic skills/efforts, be it demon quality or just above tabletop.
So I hope to kick off this new "era"(melodramatic me is grinning his *ss off)
A possible future collaboration with a friend who also is a photograph( and some nice pictures thanks to Pascal
enjoy, comment and good riddance!
Old attempt at a golden demon( and second model in my tru-scale loyalist-turning traiter mid-heresy project)
Old attempt at golden demon(earned me a finalist pin in 2008 UK)
First commision job for a webstore
Important final words: All your Commision questions:
woensdag 3 augustus 2011
Almost Games day Germany!!!
Goodmoring all,
after quite a long silence I'm back with a new post. Frankly I was getting tired of putting myself to shame with shabby pictures. And altough I'm not quite over the moon with the following pictures either, I believe they are quite an improvement. Using a real camera instead of my phone, some double lighting and suppressing the flash are a good start. I'll be using a background, a custom picture box (shamelessly stolen idea from Massive voodoo=> see trough garbage bin) and perhaps a quick auto color balancing in photoshop in the future. So further improvement is on the way!
.....and there was much rejoicing :-D.
Anyway back to business and eyecandy. I hope you like the flavour!
Okay, I'm trying to paint some of the lovely "iron" armour Iron warriors=> pre-heresy, loyal iron warriors as kind of a commision job for a friend of mine. This is a test model. And if he approves, ther will be many models like this to go :-/
As you might notice the basing isn't painted. But that's something he wanted to do for himself. Let's hope to see some pictures in the future where he finished the basing. I really finishes a model in my opinion.
Just to give a bit of a teaser at the end....I'm participating in golden demon this weekend. And here's a small picture of a model from the 40k squad.
As allways comments are welcome!
after quite a long silence I'm back with a new post. Frankly I was getting tired of putting myself to shame with shabby pictures. And altough I'm not quite over the moon with the following pictures either, I believe they are quite an improvement. Using a real camera instead of my phone, some double lighting and suppressing the flash are a good start. I'll be using a background, a custom picture box (shamelessly stolen idea from Massive voodoo=> see trough garbage bin) and perhaps a quick auto color balancing in photoshop in the future. So further improvement is on the way!
.....and there was much rejoicing :-D.
Anyway back to business and eyecandy. I hope you like the flavour!
Okay, I'm trying to paint some of the lovely "iron" armour Iron warriors=> pre-heresy, loyal iron warriors as kind of a commision job for a friend of mine. This is a test model. And if he approves, ther will be many models like this to go :-/
As you might notice the basing isn't painted. But that's something he wanted to do for himself. Let's hope to see some pictures in the future where he finished the basing. I really finishes a model in my opinion.
Just to give a bit of a teaser at the end....I'm participating in golden demon this weekend. And here's a small picture of a model from the 40k squad.
As allways comments are welcome!
woensdag 6 juli 2011
I love the smell of bacon in the moring!!! It smells like...Victory!
What a way to kick off a new post! Anybody seen apocalypse now?
After a very good painting session @ Dims place( I started pimping a lot of my blend-works on my Golden deamon entry- the little green men in the picture ;-)-.
The painting session was very helpful and again illustrates why anybody needs a painting buddy with at least an equal level of skills(preferably more ;-)). We started off with a good idea=> 5 Dark angels as squad instead of 10. Looks way better on the display plate and more paint time for every marine.
Then I got smacked in the face :-P No really, he was blends were way to rough, some of the freehands were crooked=> result: a lot of re-iterartion of the green tough guys :-D
I re-started blending on friday night and after some frustrating tries, I came to a result I can live with.
Let's fast forward to yesterday evening, because in between came some frustrating evenings away from the paint station. I've been expanding my possibilities in the hobby-room....but I really should have been painting like a mad man.
Okay...the results before yesterday evening.
Yesterday I finally got around to some painting. I re-did the blends on my first marine again! And as I need to get to some serious results, the plan is to work my magic tonight. Hence the breakfast table with my paintstuff allready in position.
Keep your thumbs up, unless you plan to compete in the 40k squad category in Colonge ;-)
If all goes well I'll be taking some close ups this weekend. I hope to finally show off some details of the enties in progress
After a very good painting session @ Dims place( I started pimping a lot of my blend-works on my Golden deamon entry- the little green men in the picture ;-)-.
The painting session was very helpful and again illustrates why anybody needs a painting buddy with at least an equal level of skills(preferably more ;-)). We started off with a good idea=> 5 Dark angels as squad instead of 10. Looks way better on the display plate and more paint time for every marine.
Then I got smacked in the face :-P No really, he was blends were way to rough, some of the freehands were crooked=> result: a lot of re-iterartion of the green tough guys :-D
I re-started blending on friday night and after some frustrating tries, I came to a result I can live with.
Let's fast forward to yesterday evening, because in between came some frustrating evenings away from the paint station. I've been expanding my possibilities in the hobby-room....but I really should have been painting like a mad man.
Okay...the results before yesterday evening.
Yesterday I finally got around to some painting. I re-did the blends on my first marine again! And as I need to get to some serious results, the plan is to work my magic tonight. Hence the breakfast table with my paintstuff allready in position.
Keep your thumbs up, unless you plan to compete in the 40k squad category in Colonge ;-)
If all goes well I'll be taking some close ups this weekend. I hope to finally show off some details of the enties in progress
dinsdag 21 juni 2011
GD entries progress
So another sad morning!!!
All the good weather that happend in May has drained the fun out of June :-D
To add some more grief our Neighbour died yesterday...I didn't know him very well(I just moved in 2 years ago) and for him it was the best solution( 83 years old and since almost a year he couldn't move/speak/take care of himself). However It's very sad for his wife and family....Why am I mentioning this. Honestly, I have no clue. The sad morning light brought me to it.
Anyway, I tried to take a decent picture of my current GD project in the same sad morning light, with my under-archieving camera on my mobile(Hey, I was rushing to work, bear with me).
Feel free to tell me what you think of them:
It's a very old hybrid metal-plastic kit of a Dark angels tactical squad. I might have explained before, but it seemed like a fun challenge to paint these "vintage" models to a high standard(or at least try to ;-)).
They will be arranged on a kind of glass plate that a good friend is making for me.....connections, what would live be without it :-D

This will be it!!!
Hope they like it in Colonge.
.....Or one of the other entries :-D
All the good weather that happend in May has drained the fun out of June :-D
To add some more grief our Neighbour died yesterday...I didn't know him very well(I just moved in 2 years ago) and for him it was the best solution( 83 years old and since almost a year he couldn't move/speak/take care of himself). However It's very sad for his wife and family....Why am I mentioning this. Honestly, I have no clue. The sad morning light brought me to it.
Anyway, I tried to take a decent picture of my current GD project in the same sad morning light, with my under-archieving camera on my mobile(Hey, I was rushing to work, bear with me).
Feel free to tell me what you think of them:
It's a very old hybrid metal-plastic kit of a Dark angels tactical squad. I might have explained before, but it seemed like a fun challenge to paint these "vintage" models to a high standard(or at least try to ;-)).
They will be arranged on a kind of glass plate that a good friend is making for me.....connections, what would live be without it :-D
This will be it!!!
Hope they like it in Colonge.
.....Or one of the other entries :-D
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